Grandpa Bert & Doris
Jex, Steve, Colter, Dawn, and Josh
Jared and Jim in the back
Becky Sue, Jared, Jex, Chris, and Aubrey
Well Jex, Aubrey and I had already planned this trip and I was going to surprise Josh with the news on his birthday; instead I decided it would be better to do it in front of everyone at the party! BUT I knew that wouldn't be enough!You see, my Josh loves to tease me and tickle me and because he is much bigger than me I can't ever get even, but I am always telling him, "Someday I will get you back." This was my chance!
I had my annual Gyno appointment a few days before the party and Josh had kept on asking me if I had gotten more birth control! To his dismay I kept on avoiding the question and never gave him a straight answer! The night of the party rolls around and there are about 30+ people there... PERFECT! I tell everyone one that I have something to give to Josh and gather everyone in the kitchen area!
I was so nervous and didn't know if I could pull it off because I am really bad at this type of stuff, but I said, "Josh has been asking me a question all week long and I haven't given him a real answer. So Josh if after you open this gift I have for you, you still have any questions for me I will answer them."
I am still not sure if those were tears of excitement/joy or tears of relief, but either way seeing how happy he was made it all worth it!
ah! i miss you guys SO much, but really, that was the best ever!!!Love you guys!!!
That was awesome! Glad you got him!! oh, and HOORAY for a blog :)
HOLY CRAP! I think that is the best thing ever. Josh is a joker so this is a perfect pay back. I wish we were there to witness the fun.
Very awesome story and I am happy you get to take him back to his favorite place. Great blog... :)
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