Josh & I have now been Tucson residents for about 3 months!! I have to say that I think we both like it A LOT more than we thought we would! It is so beautiful down here!! And its nice to have a little more of a small town feel! We have got to do quite a few things in the short time we have been here and have experienced many new things... One of those was real rain storms! For the first few month or so that we lived here it rained almost every day! We loved it! Tucson has some of the most beautiful & bright thunderstorms I have seen! I have also got the chance to try out EVAP! I thought I was going to die our first few weeks, because it was so humid (evap doesn't work that well with a ton of moisture in the air) and it turned out that the pads in the cooler had never been changed! Luckily when Tom & Shirley came down they helped change out the pads; which looked like a huge block, because of all the build up! It seriously got so much cooler after that! And speaking of cooler I think we are going to have a much COLDER winter than we are used to because it has been Phoenix winter weather down here recently!! BRRR... I am such a wimp!!
We have also had some interesting bugs! One morning driving Josh to school I saw this leaf slowly blowing across the hood of the car, but with a closer look we realized it wasn't a leaf at all but a bug that looked EXACTLY like a leaf! So cool! A few days ago when we got home we found this outside our door!

A praying mantis! I have only seen these a few times and definately not in Phoenix! They are so crazy lookin'!
We have a great ward down here and Josh also has some good LDS buddies from his class! It is so nice to go anywhere in the world and have an instant family and people who care about you! One of the couples in our ward are a big part of the Prop 102 movement down here in Tucson! I have wanted a sign so bad and just got one yesterday for the yard!

Down here EVERYONE seems so liberal! I sometimes get very frustrated and discouraged, so being one of the few signs that say YES on 102 makes me so excited... I just had to take a picture!! Anyway! Things are great! Josh is keeping busy with school! And I will be working soon! HURRAY!!
Hey you guys! I just found your blog from Becky's. I'm glad you guys are liking Tucson...I actually have a good friend that lives there, and she is always posting pictures of crazy bugs, so you're not the only ones!
I got my sign just yesterday, i was so exited!!! LOL, i miss you guys!!! i think i say that on all my comments :) hey it's true!
my email is and my blog is - send me your email and I'll give you my phone no - I'd love to have you and Josh over for dinner!!
Hey! Its funny I just read kellie's comment but I found you guys on her blog! How Exciting more and more people to read about! I love blogs and its cool that you guys have one now! How have you both been? From what I hear you are super busy but I hope everything is going great!
I had no idea you have a blog! I am so happy to see you guys are having fun and doing well. I can't wait to see you soon!
pretty sure I havent heard from you in a long time claude. Nice to see you are doing well. I'm nixing my blog on here but keep up with me on
I'm so excited you have a blog! You guys look great and I LOVE your wedding pictures! You are a beautiful couple! Hope you are doing well - Keep in touch and tell your family HI and We miss them.
Hey you! It sounds like life is going well for you and Josh! How is married life treating you? You're house is so cute! I'll have to see if I can come down and visit you. I'll definatly see you at the Christmas party. I told Bo about it and he said he'd try to come down to it. :) He also invited me to his work party the weekend before! He is so cute!!! Once I get the internet at my house I'll add pictures. . .maybe I should take some! Don't worry about freezing in Tucson. It's the same temp as Globe. . .although thats about five degrees cooler than Phoenix. Talk to ya soon! Love ya!
Hey Girl! I didn't realize you guys had a Blog :) Love your Wedding Pictures, they are BEAUTIFUL. We are going to Sabino Canyon for a picnic this Tuesday, I know you just went, but I thought I throw out the invite just incase. I will have Tank give Josh the Details today at school.
Hi Claudia! I am glad that I found your blog! You look so beautiful in your wedding pictures! I am glad that you like tucson! Melissa (stubbs) (incase you are don't remember me, and think who is the crazy lady!)
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