We have also had some interesting bugs! One morning driving Josh to school I saw this leaf slowly blowing across the hood of the car, but with a closer look we realized it wasn't a leaf at all but a bug that looked EXACTLY like a leaf! So cool! A few days ago when we got home we found this outside our door!
A praying mantis! I have only seen these a few times and definately not in Phoenix! They are so crazy lookin'!
We have a great ward down here and Josh also has some good LDS buddies from his class! It is so nice to go anywhere in the world and have an instant family and people who care about you! One of the couples in our ward are a big part of the Prop 102 movement down here in Tucson! I have wanted a sign so bad and just got one yesterday for the yard!
Down here EVERYONE seems so liberal! I sometimes get very frustrated and discouraged, so being one of the few signs that say YES on 102 makes me so excited... I just had to take a picture!! Anyway! Things are great! Josh is keeping busy with school! And I will be working soon! HURRAY!!