2011 has come and gone! What an exciting year we have had!
Josh being in his 3rd and 4th years of Medical School got lots of neat opportunities while doing different rotations; from delivering babies to stitching patients up after surgery.
I went to Cozumel, Mexico with Heather and Kaden Olsen!
I got to go to Girls Camp!
Josh turned 30!
Grandma & Grandpa Hatch stayed with us for few weeks!
We moved from a condo in Downtown Phoenix to Glendale, with Tom & Shirley.
Josh spent time working at hospitals in Tucson, Salt Lake City, UT, and Temple, TX.
We bought our first new car a 2011 Nissan Versa!
We found out in August that we are expecting our first baby!
Josh has been doing Residency interviews!
Josh & I both had Bull Elk tags this year! We didn't bag an elk, but had lots of fun! My sisters Ramsay and Alisyn and Josh's cousin, Jared all got cow elk this year though!!
We celebrated our 4 year wedding anniversary!
Lots of other fun things happened this year, but these are some of the highlights....
The question now is are we ready for all the excitement of 2012?!?!!?
January we are having a 3D/4D ultrasound!
February I am having my baby shower and my cousin Kassi is getting married!
March it is National Match Day- we find out were we are going for Josh's residency!! Baby Tieman is due!
April settle in to life with baby!
May Josh Graduates!
Move sometime in May, June or July..... After that we will see what the year brings, but the first half is full of life changing events!!!!
3 months ago
So exciting! I still can't believe you are having a baby. And crazy residency. Where is he interviewing at and for what? Match day is not the nerve racking one... it's the day before. All day you are just PRAYING you don't get a page (no one wants to scramble, but I have heard of a guy scrambling into Harvard Plastics, so it can turn out good, but again, no one wants to scramble). So we will have to catch up soon. I will be in Az in about a week. I will call you. Love you Claudia!
That's a lot for the beginning of one year- good luck with all of it!
I'm so excited! Our family has some most amazing things going on the first three months of the year! I can't wait for all of them to happen!!
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