So only 3 months late... Josh turned 30 this August! I just had to throw him a party... We did a crazy/funny/clever t-shirt party! We had a blast! We played a few games, had music from the year Josh was born and had great food! Brats and Burgers, and of course some of Josh's favorite Jones Sodas customized for him!
Tom & Shirley our Chefs!! 
Jared doing what he does best :).... Supervising! Making sure Tom does it right!
Katie Workman & her husband made this awesome cake! Katie Cakes
Some of the guests! You can see my dad's shoulder, Jex (Mission Comp), Danny (Mission Comp), Anthony (Cousin), Tank(Friend from Med School), Shirley with Tom sitting behind her! Tank's shirt is one Josh created and drew the picture for... He created it for the orthopedic surgery club and it says on the back, "Cleaning up after Chuck Norris" and has the picture Josh drew of Chuck Norris break the arm and leg of a ninja! HAHA! Pretty Funny!
Chris wore his dark crystal t-shirt... I think! Lookin' good Chris!
Jared was our Over-All Best T-shirt winner! And Becky definitely had Josh in mind when she made her shirt! I love it! Becky won most clever! Just wanted to let everyone know that she is not carrying Arnold's baby!
Shirley (Had a great Twilight T-shirt), my mom, and Joann!
The guys chatting in the kitchen!
Josh's shirt was funny, but a little much for that crowd! He has two of his soda's here! On one you can see our orange Suburban and the other a picture of he and I at Lake Powell
One of the games we played was guessing by the picture or quote what 1981 (year Josh was born) movie it was from!
(above: Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark)
(Above: The Evil Dead)
Oh, and for those who don't know Josh and I are expecting a new addition in March 2012! We are so excited! Big Surprise for us! Baby is due the day before my birthday! Check out our baby blog click here!
I tried to leave a comment on your baby blog and it didnt work for some reason?
Anyway, I was just going to tell you that I used a mid-wife when I was pregnant with Cody and she was amazing! Good luck and CONGRATS!
What a fun idea for a party. And I saw you were pregnant on facebook- but congrats again! I saw on your blog that you are using a midwife... I totally wanted to switch from an OB with my last pregnancy- but coudn't with my insurance. Hope you are feeling well- And happy birthday to Josh!
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