Every few year we do a wood cutting trip to stock the cabin up north! Its always a lot of FUN!
Here is the start of the assembly line.... I am way at the top choosing the wood, you can't see me!

Down the line!!

Until it finally reaches the truck!

All the kids did an awesome job at helping! I was very impressed! Even Baby Kaleb did his part in loading up wood!

Break/Snack time! Moving logs is HARD WORK!

The men "supervising"

We all were filthy afterward, but I think these two were rolling on the ground.

The Girls!

The Boys!

Jared introduced us to the very cool BEARIZONA in Williams, AZ. If you haven't been its pretty sweet, here are just a few pictures from our drive through...

They have a part at the end where you can get out and walk. It must have been nap time because all the animals were sleeping!

Baby Bear

6 month old bobcats
Wolves, taking a snooze

I thought these foxes were just so pretty! Look at their coats!
We had a ton of fun! Thank you everyone!!!!!
We went to Bearizona too. It's way cool :) Next time stop by and visit! :)
My sister lives right by Bearizona but I haven't been yet. I hear it's way cool looks cool!
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