I am here in Surprise at my parents house looking for a picture and I happen upon these old photos! SO I just have to give a shout out to my BF Jenny (Hunsaker) Armstrong! Here's to all the good times!! LOVE YA!!

I love this pic its so Jenny and I! James took the picture (look see his toes, poor guy! Thanks for putting up with us James!)

Jenny, Rach, and I after church one day! It must have been very bright! I am glad I had my sunglasses!

Jenny, Kevin and I! I don't remember what we were up to this particular evening but I am sure we had fun! ( I have dark hair)

Jenny and I again outside on the tramp after running and a red bull! :) My HUMPS!
Oh and just an update for all who know... my mom's surgery went well! We got to see her at about 10pm last night! Doctors say everything is looking great and they think they got it all!
Thanks for all the support!!
you're mom had surgery?! Well i'm glad to hear it went well!!
oh claudia... that picture was so long ago! hahaha.. good times tho! I'm glad to hear your momma is doing good! I leave in 2 weeks for IDAHO! :/
Okay so this doesn't have anything to do with this post whatsoever but as I was looking at the blogs that you follow I noticed that you are friends with Trevor and Jamie Mattson who currently live in Orem, UT.
What a small world because Alan and I currently live next door to the Mattson's and we are in the same ward!! Jamie is my Relief Society President and Alan and Trevor serve together as Ward Sports Directors! Crazy huh? Being members of the church makes the world seem so small! :) How do you know Trevor and Jamie?
gosh. We were so cool back then... hahahaha!
OK so you have to tell rachel to let me in her blog. gosh!
I love Jenny! i miss her and you!
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